Monday, January 30, 2012

Sexuality is Spiritual not Chosen

Learning about the berdache tradition among many Native american tribes was interesting and comforting! I love learning about new cultures and finding out that things aren't just "Western" ideologies.

This article was comforting to me, because I share the view that homosexuals have a place in every society and that they are not abnormal. It frustrates me when hardcore religious people discriminate against homosexuals, saying that they are sinning and going against God's will, but then say that God loves everyone. I think it is extremely hypocritical for christians to judge people that they are supposed to love.

I like that the article highlights that the boys, or in some cases girls, are not forced to become a Berache, and that they don't choose it for themselves, but that during the ceremonies they know it is time to let everyone know that they are different from normal males.

Another thing I liked about the Native American view on Berdaches was that it was a spiritual aspect that made them different not a personal choice. In America it is mostly thought that being homosexual goes against spirituality, and I know for a fact that that idea is wrong. I have someone very close to me who is gay, and he still considers himself to be very close to God - not a sinner of choice in constant need of forgiveness.

I am happy that in some areas of the world homosexuality is embraced and integrated into culture and society. I think it is interesting that the Berdache are not considered males, and I do not quite agree with that concept, but overall I liked this article and the differentiating societal regards to sexuality it revealed.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Aimee, I am a pretty devout practicing Catholic but I too disapprove of the way that religion tries to make homosexuals out to be the bad guys. I feel that every human deserves to be happy no matter what is acceptable to the rest of the world.
