Sunday, February 26, 2012

An Official Stament On "Race"

“Biophysical diversity has no inherent social meaning except what we humans confer upon it” is a great quote from the reading “Official Statement on ‘Race’” because it highlights that race means nothing but what people have decided to make it mean.

We are all guilty of falling to stereotyping others, but it is wrong.  Race does not make someone smart, polite, or less likely to commit crimes. However, society says it does and people actually believe that race determines personality and actions. It is unfortunate that this may never change, but the article did a great job of being unbiased while portraying why society’s view on race is wrong and conditioned from a political history.

This link goes to a really cool website that explains race through three lenses. 1- the history of race, 2- human variations, and 3- lived experiences. The intro is very cool it asks if we are more than race, our skin, our art, etc. and then leads into the website which you can look at blogs, genetics, sports, and other things that people correlate with race.

Here it is: RACE - Are We So Different? 

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