Sunday, February 26, 2012

White Privlege

The article White Privilege was right in some aspects and wrong in others. Being a race other than Caucasian can bring difficulties, but some of her examples were outdated or incorrect.

If an institution uses affirmative action they most likely also use a male to female ratio during admissions. Most colleges have to admit a certain percentage of men, women, and different races other than white.

It is easier to go out to a drug store and buy a magazine that feature white famous stars, but if you go to the makeup aisle there is blemish cover for all races and they sell band aids in all colors too, including transparent to match any skin color. Also, the TV has tone of different races on a wide spread range of channels.

If you need legal or medical help - race is not what is going to help or hinder you. That is a fiscal matter. If you need help in our world, you have to have money to back up your requests no matter what race you are. 

Overall I thought that this article was a little pompous and she read way too much into the "power" she had over people of a different race. One thing I liked is that she noted that racism can only change if everyone stops being racist, including races other than whites, but cannot happen if just a couple of individuals stop being racist.

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